Prepare your data for Upload


Platform data upload works with ZIP files. Please note that if you use WinRAR , you have to select the ZIP option.


You can upload:

  • 1 Zip File
  • 1 Nifti

You can only upload 1 file at a time.
If you upload a ZIP file, it will create 1 Subject and 1 Session. However, if you upload DICOM files, the system will create different sessions per timepoints, for 1 Subject.

Note: If you receive an email with "No files of Interest", it is because we are not able to unzip a folder or the system can't read the format.

Click here to see how to upload a ZIP file.

Tip: If you have several subjects to upload, you will have to do 1 by 1.
If you have several sessions for 1 subject, you will have to upload 1 by 1 and enter the same Subject name, except for DICOM files.

To conclude:
It really depends on how you structured your data and how many subjects you would like to upload.
If you only have one folder, you can convert it into a ZIP file and upload via the platform.
If you have several ZIP files/folders, we would advise using the QMENTA SDK.


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