Performs fMRI image preprocessing using FSL suite tools, including:
Movement correction (mcflirt)
Slicing time correction (slicetimer)
Brain Extraction (bet2)
Smoothing (susan)
Intensity normalization (fslmaths)
Pass band filter (fslmaths)
fMRI pre-processed output examples
Input fMRI | ||
Average Corrected fMRI | ||
Required inputs:
- fMRI: resting-state functional 4D timeseries
Isotropic resolution recomended
Must be labeled as 'fMRI' modality"
Minimum input requirements:
- For optimal result reliability, isotropic resolution is recommended
- T1 recommended resolution: 1 mm isotropic.
- T1 minimum reliable resolution: 2mm isotropic.
- Preferred DICOM to NIfTI conversion tool (drop-down selection)
The selected tool will be tried first to convert DICOM to NIfTI. If conversion fails, the other options will be tried sequentially until a successful conversion.-
- Mrtrix (Default)
- bru2nii
- DCM2nii
- mcverter
- diffunpack
- Skip rs-fMRI preprocessing (checkbox)
- If checked it converts to NIfTI only (Default unchecked)
fmri_corr.nii.gz: preprocessed functional data.
fmri_mean.nii.gz: average of all functional volumes.
Typical execution time:
- 10 minutes
Additional details:
- None
- FSL fMRI preprocesing tools: [Smith et al. 2004]
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