DICOM 2 NIfTI converter

Convert DICOM files to NIfTI format using different tools.


  • Input images (can be the output of a prior analysis)
  • Optionally choose between multiple tools to for the conversion.

Operation Mode:

1. Prepare heading for report.

For each input file:

2. Download 

3. Check type of file - if not nifti, dicom or .raw give error. If it's MRI related, upload it (i.e., b-values, gradients, nii, ...)

Next steps only for DICOM images:

4. Convert to jpeg syntax - To be able to see it easily.

5. Apply sequentially the different converters. If one fails it jumps to the next one.

6. If DWI (DWI, HARDI, DTI, DSI) - look for gradients information, b-values, gradient directions.

7. If required - reorient (register) images to MNI space.

8. Upload images and report.


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